The Future Of Survey

Fast & Cost effective

Laser Scanning Indonesia

Our laser scanner uses an environmentally “safe” laser to rapidly scan surfaces or objects and record the data as a fully referenced point within a point cloud which can then be processed to enable production of either conventional 2D drawings ( “as built” plans & long sections ) or 3D image model which is highly accurate dimensionally.

These can be used for “as built” information for complex industrial plant and facilities. Other applications also include ground / topographic surveys; road, bridge & building surveys; power stations; complex models for films & theme parks; forensic science & claims records; ships & aircraft; historical & architectural records; basic information for walk through videos as well as much more.

The point cloud is immediately usable as an image that is highly accurate ( +/- 3mm ) and can be compared & merged with digital photography taken at same time.

Our clients include oil & gas companies, mining & construction companies as well as contractors involved in retrofit / maintenance for industrial plants, process facilities & oil platforms.

Our clients get a unique 3D model of their facility / plant which can be used for design, construction, fabrication and as built record that because of computer modelling will enable first time fit onsite during construction / maintenance. Large cost savings / profits can be made when carrying out retrofit & maintenance or use of prefabricated units because rework due to poor fit can now be avoided preventing expensive stoppages and production losses if things go wrong.

Our latest “state-of-the-art” laser scanner is :

•  Highly portable
•  Wide angle of view 360º - suitable for interior & exterior
•  Range : up to 350 m
•  Accuracy < 3 mm at 100 m
•  Fast scanning 100,000's points in < 15 minutes
•  Point cloud & photographic image available immediately

Data can also be processed to produce :

•  Registered image tied to conventional survey datum
•  2D CAD drawing
•  3D CAD model
•  And run clash “interference” software to check new design or that prefabricated
units fit within model prior to onsite installation.

•  For better RETROFIT DESIGNS that slash construction costs and schedules.
•  For remote and difficult access SURVEYING faster, safer and less intrusive
•  For big savings and better project control during CONSTRUCTION
•  For more efficient OPERATIONS and MAINTENANCE  

1. Exceptionally fast Normal plant surveys take as little as :
< 1 day - < 1 week field work for scan survey
< 1 week - < 1 month to process and produce “as built” views and sections of the plant with 2D CAD drawings and 3D models.
2. Our latest state-of-the-art scanner & software technology is now available in Indonesia .
enables precise fabrication and avoids misfits between plant on site
enables fabrication scan check and re check fitting in computer before costly site mistakes made
first time fits on site avoids reworking
minimises construction time or downtime during RETROFIT / MAINTENANCE work and gets plant production back online faster
reduces possible tie-in clashes
reduction in rework and therefore costly contingency for this can be avoided
improve project planning and implementation using reliable as-built data.
3. Time and Money Saving
Avoids use of contingency sum for poor fit and rework
reduces RETROFIT time and hence decreases loss due to production downtime
lowers plant life cycle costs
Accurate “as builts” for plant documentation and future maintenance.